Anderson Island Historical Society Donation Form

Donate to AIHS
(Existing Members click here to donate under your name)

Your AIHS donation helps sustain the Anderson Island Historical Society, and nurture the Anderson Island Community.

The Anderson Island Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

You may pay online immediately, or mail a check to: AIHS Membership, 9306 Otso Point Rd, Anderson Island, WA, 98303


Name and Address


I will pay online with a credit card
I will mail a check. Your donation will be processed once the check is received.
I have given a check to an AIHS Membership Admin.
I have given cash to an AIHS Membership Admin.
    (AIHS Membership Admin: Name   Password required: )

Rev 11/11/22 RFB. (Orig 11/20/22 RFB)