Weekly Farm WorkpartyWhen: Every Wednesday, from 9am - noon.Join the weekly Farm workparty team: Farm Maintenance and Light Construction. We need your help in maintaining the farm, things like lawn mowing, pruining the orchard, building gates, repairing fencing, painting and staining, improving the road, etc. Join a great team of workers who turn out every week to do this. Lunch served every other week. |
Weekly Garden WorkpartyWhen: Every Wednesday, from 9am - noon.Join the weekly Garden workparty team: Help in the greenhouse, the plant sale area, the market garden plot, or general farm landscaping. Lunch served every other week. |
Weekly Summer Garden MarketWhen: Every Saturday 9am-noon, June-mid September.Join the Garden Market team. Help gather produce, setup, tear down, sell produce and flowers, be a cashier. |
DocentsWhen: Saturdays and Sundays June-September.Be a guide to the farm for visitors. Welcome and introduce visitors to the farm, share background and history of AI and the farm with visitors. Click for more information. |
Plant Sale (May 4)When: May 4, 2024.Be an event volunteer for the early plant sale. Help setup, tear down, explain plants, be a cashier. |
Farm Day (May 25)When: May 25, 2024.Be an event volunteer. Help setup, tear down, serve food, be a cashier, coordinate children's activities. |
Salmon Bake (July 6)When: Saturday July 6, 2024.Be an event volunteer. Help setup, tear down, cook food, serve food, sell tickets. |
Silent Auction (July 6)When: Saturday July 6, 2024 and throughout the year.Be an auction volunteer. Help setup, tear down, gather donations, be a cashier. |
Apple Squeeze (October)When: Saturday July 6, 2024.Be an event volunteer. Help setup, tear down, cook food, serve food, sell tickets. |
PotlucksWhen: Fourth Saturday in Jan,Feb,Mar,Sept,Oct,Nov. 6-8pm.Help setup, tear down, and oversee the potluck. |
Holiday Open House (December)When: First Sunday in December, 1-3pm.Help setup, tear down, and oversee the event. |